
für Kunden und Händler

Information in accordance with article 13 and 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

1. Personal Data


We at Refurbed Marketplace GmbH take the privacy of your data very seriously. That’s why we would like to inform you about how we process your information as well as your rights in respect of your personal data, in accordance with Austrian and European data protection regulations.


Personal data covers all information that pertains to an identifiable individual. This includes the name, address, email address, gender and social security number. Separate categories also exist for specific personal data sets (referred to as “sensitive data”), which according to the GDPR cover areas such as health or criminal history.


If you choose to use our service or visit our website, we will collect and process personal data. This includes information that you yourself provide as well as information obtained through our terms of service or from third parties.

2. Responsible party

Responsible party for processing personal data in accordance with the GDPR:

Refurbed Marketplace GmbH
Jakov-Lind-Straße 7
1020 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 800 700 12 10

3. Collection and processing of personal data


If you apply to be a merchant on our platform, we will collect the following data set:

  • Company name
  • Company address
  • Telephone number
  • VAT number
  • Tax identity number
  • IBAN
  • Name of account holder
  • Personal data of any individual that holds more that 25% of the company (name, date of birth, ID card / passport number, address, scan of ID card / passport)
  • Consent to the terms of service


If you conduct a purchase in our webshop, we will collect the following data set:

  • First name
  • Surname
  • Email
  • Delivery address
  • Telephone number
  • Billing address (if applicable)
  • Gender (salutation)
  • VAT number (if applicable)
  • Purchased product
  • Price of purchased product
  • Total price of order
  • Payment method used
  • Means of delivery


For technical reasons, your browser will transmit specific data to our webserver every time you visit our website. This data is solely used for analytical and technical purposes so as to guarantee the flawless provision of our service. The following data set is obtained:

  • IP address
  • Date and time of visit
  • Username and password


Additional data is only collected when provided by you. This includes information generated during any correspondence via our contact form. The following data set is obtained: - First name - Surname - Email address - Telephone number (optional) - Your message

4. Legal basis of data processing

4.1 Contractual duties – article 6, paragraph 1, lit c GDPR

The contract between us and our merchants and customers lays out certain duties that require us to obtain and process specific data sets, the purpose of which is covered in our terms of service.

4.2 Legal duties – article 6, paragraph 1, lit c GDPR

Processing personal data by Reburbed Marketplace GmbH can be mandatory, as required by law. Example:

  • Tax duties

4.3. Legitimate interest – article 6, paragraph 1, lit f GDPR

If processing of personal data serves a legitimate interest to our company or third parties, we act in accordance with article 6, paragraph 1, lit f GDPR.

The following cases constitute a legitimate interest:

  • ensuring the proper operation and administration of our website
  • enabling us to reply to your inquiry placed via the contact form
  • conducting direct marketing measures
  • utilizing web analytics tools
  • protecting our network and data
  • offering technical support to our customers

5. Cookies and server log files


We utilize cookies on our website. A cookie is a small text file that is downloaded onto your device when you visit a website and that enables the website to obtain certain information from your browser, such as your preferences. Cookies allow us to improve your user experience by increasing functionality and allowing our website (first party cookies) or other related websites (third party cookie) to remember information and selections as you move from page to page and from visit to visit, depending on the cookie.


Strictly necessary cookies are cookies that are required for a website to provide basic functionality. They are essential to be able to access standard features of the website. The strictly necessary cookies utilized by Refurbed GmbH are first party cookies only that are saved only for the duration of any given session. These cookies maintain our website’s functionality when browsing and switching from http to https, thereby guaranteeing safe and secure data transmission. They also save your cookie preferences for our website. Should you want to be notified of and approve the download of any given cookie, you can set your browser preferences accordingly. Please note that disabling certain cookies can lead to a deterioration of our website’s functionality.


Consent-based first party cookies on this website: cookies that aren’t required by law can nevertheless fulfill important functions. Without these cookies, certain settings, such as language, will not be saved for your next visit and will have to be reset.


Consent-based third party cookies: Refurbed Marketplace GmbH also integrates third party content on our website, such as Facebook applications. These third parties can theoretically place cookies and gather information on your visit. If you would like to learn more about these cookies, please visit the appropriate third party website. Should you refuse or refute to allow consent-based cookies, you will only be able to make use of our website’s features whose functionality does not rely on these cookies. Under these circumstances, sections that depend on third party content will not be accessible. In this case, we will inform you about the limitation by displaying an appropriate notification. You can opt to re-allow consent-based cookies at any time should you wish to activate third party content. In case you want to disable cookies in general, you can do so in your browser settings.


refurbed makes use of the following first party cookies:

  • Cookie banner cookie: enables your cookie settings to be saved (this is a permanent cookie that is carried over from session to session)

  • Cart cookie: saves the products that you place into the cart (this is a permanent cookie that is carried over from session to session)

  • Token cookie: keeps you permanently logged in to our website

  • Checkout stats: used to analyze the purchase process


Should you choose to delete all of your cookies, you will have to re-do the opt-out process. This also applies if you visit our website from another device. In case your security settings are too strict, the opt-out process may fail due to the cookie being blocked. Should this occur, we will notify you and ask you to repeat the opt-out process by temporarily lowering your security settings.


To optimize the performance and usability of our website, our provider automatically collects data that is compiled in so-called server log files, which your browser transmits to us. This includes information on your IP address, browser and language settings, operating system, referrer URL, internet service provider and date/time. This information is not merged with your private data. We reserve the right to examine this information should we suspect unlawful behavior.


We will use your personal & purchase information for purposes of marketing analysis and to communicate about products, offers and news. This information include the following: email, name, address, language, IP address, site usage information and purchased products. If you wish to do so, you may unsubscribe from promotional emails at any point.

6. Web Analytics


Our website makes use of Google Analytics. This is a web analytics tool from Google Inc. that utilizes cookies. These cookies obtain your IP address. If feasible, your IP address will be shortened and anonymized prior to it being saved and used for analytical purposes. This applies to use in the European Union and the EEA (European Economic Area). In special cases, your IP address will be transmitted to a Google server located in the USA, where it will be anonymized. We use the data obtained by the Google Analytics cookie to better understand the usage patterns of our website’s visitors. You can choose to disable the Google Analytics cookie by accessing your browser settings. Please note that this may lead to malfunctions on our website.

6.2 Exit Mist

Our website makes use of Exit Mist. This is a web analytics tool from Exit Mist Inc. that utilizes cookies. These cookies obtain your IP address. If feasible, your IP address will be shortened and anonymized prior to it being saved and used for analytical purposes. This process takes place on a server located in the USA. We use Exit Mist to display information in the form of pop-ups. You can choose to disable the Exit Mist cookie by accessing your browser settings. Please note that this may lead to malfunctions on our website.

6.3 Hotjar

Our website makes use of Hotjar. This is a web analytics tool from Hotjar Ltd. that utilizes cookies (please see table below). Hotjar is used to improve the user experience and track usage patterns. This is achieved by generating anonymized screenshots. You can choose to disable the Hotjar cookie by accessing your browser settings. Please note that this may lead to malfunctions on our website.

More information on Hotjar’s privacy policy can be found here.

You can opt-out of Hotjar by clicking here.

Name Description Valid for
_hjClosedSurveyInvites Hotjar cookie. This cookie is set once a visitor interacts with a Survey invitation modal popup. It is used to ensure that the same invite does not re-appear if it has already been shown. 365 days
_hjDonePolls Hotjar cookie. This cookie is set once a visitor completes a poll using the Feedback Poll widget. It is used to ensure that the same poll does not re-appear if it has already been filled in. 365 days
_hjMinimizedPolls Hotjar cookie. This cookie is set once a visitor minimizes a Feedback Poll widget. It is used to ensure that the widget stays minimizes when the visitor navigates through your site. 365 days
_hjDoneTestersWidgets Hotjar cookie. This cookie is set once a visitor submits their information in the Recruit User Testers widget. It is used to ensure that the same form does not re-appear if it has already been filled in. 365 days
_hjMinimizedTestersWidgets Hotjar cookie. This cookie is set once a visitor minimizes a Recruit User Testers widget. It is used to ensure that the widget stays minimizes when the visitor navigates through your site. 365 days
_hjIncludedInSample Hotjar cookie. This session cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that visitor is included in the sample which is used to generate funnels. 365 days

6.4 Klaviyo

Our website makes use of Klaviyo. This is an email tool from Klaviyo Inc. that utilizes cookies. Klaviyo is used to send emails to customers and users, while analyzing usage patterns to enhance the relevance of those emails. You can choose to disable Klaviyo cookies by accessing your browser settings. Please note that this may lead to malfunctions on our website.

6.5 Freshchat

Our website makes use of Freshchat. This is a chat tool from Freshworks GmbH that utilizes cookies. Freshchat is used as a means to interact with our customers and users via live chat. The data transmitted during a live chat is processed by Freshchat and saved in Freshchat. In some cases, the data will automatically be shared with third party applications (Zapier, Freshdesk) in order to respond to customer inquiries in an effective manner. You can choose to disable Freshchat cookies by accessing your browser settings. Please note that this may lead to malfunctions on our website.

6.6 TrustedShops

In order for us to be able to display the Trusted Shops certificate, customer reviews as well as the offering of Trusted Shops products after a transaction, the Trusted Shops trustmark is integrated on this website.

The integration constitutes a legitimate interest with regards to optimizing our marketing strategy, in accordance with article 6, paragraph 1 A. 1 lit. f GDPR. The trustmark as well as the associated services are provided by Trusted Shops GmbH, Subbelrather Str. 15C, 50823 Cologne, Germany.

The trustmark automatically initiates the creation of a server log file by the webserver, which obtains your IP address, date and time of your visit, the transmitted data amount of data and the provider info. This data set will not be analyzed and is deleted after a maximum period of 7 days after your visit.

Additional personal data will only be shared with Trusted Shops if you provide your consent, if you opt to use Trusted Shop services after your transaction or have registered with Trusted Shops to do so in the past. In this case, the contractual agreement between you and Trusted Shops applies.

6.7 Twitter Pixel

Our website makes use of Twitter Pixel, which are cookies from Twitter Inc. Twitter Pixel is used to analyze usage patterns of our users. The data that is obtained by the cookies is processed in either the USA or within the EEA. You can choose to disable Twitter Pixel by accessing your browser settings. Please note that this may lead to malfunctions on our website.

6.8 Facebook Pixel

Our website makes use of Facebook Pixel, which are cookies from Facebook Inc. (see table below). Facebook Pixel is used to analyze usage patterns of our users. The data that is obtained by the cookies is processed in either the USA or within the EEA. You can choose to disable Facebook Pixel by accessing your browser settings. Please note that this may lead to malfunctions on our website.

Facebook Pixel captures the following five types of data:

  • HTTP header: all data contained in the HTTP header. The HTTP header is a standard web protocol that is being transmitted as part of every browser request and by every server on the Internet. HTTP headers contain IP addresses, information on your web browser, document, page location, referrer and visitor of the website.

  • Pixel-specific data: this includes the Pixel-ID and Facebook cookie, amongst others.

  • Button-click-data: this covers all buttons that are clicked on by visitors of the website, their labels as well as all pages that are subsequently accessed after clicking on a button.

  • Custom Audiences: developers and marketeers may transmit additional information regarding a user visit via custom audiences. These may cover the conversion rate, the type of page and more.

  • Form input fields: this includes the description of input fields, such as “Email”, “Address”, and “Quantity”, which the user fills out as part of a transaction. Pixel does not obtain the actual values if the marketeer has not specifically defined this in the advanced match or custom audiences.

6.9 Opt-out of all third party cookies

We provide our users with the option to opt-out of all third party cookies via one click only.

Click here to opt-out of all third party cookies.

7. Social plugins

Our website makes use of so-called social plugins from microblogging service Twitter (owned and operated by Twitter Inc., 1355 MarketSt, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA). These plugins are marked with a Twitter logo, usually in the form of a blue “Twitter bird”. Should you visit a page on our website that contains this plugin, your browser will automatically establish a connection to a Twitter server.

The content of the plugin is transmitted directly from Twitter to your browser to be displayed. Due to the integration of the plugin, Twitter will receive information that your browser has visited our website, even if you are not logged on to Twitter or don’t have a Twitter account. This information, which includes your IP address, is transmitted from your browser directly to a Twitter server located in the USA, and is stored in said location. In case you are logged in to your Twitter account, Twitter can directly match your visit to our website to said account.

Interacting with the plugin, i.e. by clicking on the tweet button, will transmit the applicable information directly to a Twitter server, where it is stored. Furthermore, the information will be published on your Twitter account and is visible to your Twitter contacts. More information on the purpose and scope of the data collection and subsequent processing and use by Twitter as well as your rights and optional settings regarding data privacy are available in Twitter’s privacy policy:

Should you want to disallow Twitter from matching the data generated by you on our website with your Twitter account, you can log off Twitter prior to your visit. Alternatively, you can block the Twitter plugin completely by utilizing add-ons for your browser.

8. Transmission of data to third parties


Due to today’s complexity of certain data processing tasks, it is necessary for us to make use of third party services. By sharing anonymized user data with third parties, it is possible for us to design our advertising measures more efficiently. All third parties involved in tasks that require the sharing of personal data are bound by contract to treat said data confidentially, only to be processed within the scope of the service agreement.


The case-to-case transmission of relevant data takes place in accordance with statutory requirements as well as within the contractual framework of the following entities:

  • Klaviyo Inc: email tool that dispatches order confirmations

  • TrustedShops GmbH: enables customers to review their orders

  • Hetzner Online GmbH: data processing center

  • Google Cloud Platform (Google Ireland Limited): data processing center

  • Google Sheets (Google Inc): administration of order details

  • Freshdesk Inc.: tool to administer and reply to customer inquiries

  • Zapier Inc.: tool that connects and transmits data between different administrative units

  • Mailparser Inc.: tool that automatically extracts data from emails and transmits said data to order processing units

  • Stripe Inc: payment service provider

  • PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A: payment service provider

  • Rakuten Advertising: is a third party company that uses cookies on the website, you can view their privacy policy at this address:

  • Sprinque B.V.: a pay-by-invoice service provider. To register on our website as a merchant and to determine whether you can use the Pay by Invoice service, Refurbed shares your business details and other personal data (e.g. contact details and financial information) with Sprinque. The Sprinque privacy statement, which can be found here: informs you about how Sprinque processes your personal data and what rights you have.

9. Transmission of data to third countries

In some cases, the recipient of your personal data may be located outside of the European Union and will be processing your data in third countries. The data protection laws in said countries may not be equivalent to those in Austria. However, Refurbed GmbH only transmits personal data to countries which the European Commission has deemed to have adequate data protection laws. We safeguard this by making use of standard contractual clauses (2010/87/EC und/or 2004/915/EC).

10. Storage of data

Your data will be kept as long as is required for the purposes it was compiled. In some cases, we are required by law to store specific data over a predefined period of time.

We take all necessary measures to ensure that your personal is stored in accordance with this privacy policy over the entire period that it is stored.

11. Your data protection rights


By law, you have the right to be provided with transparent and easily understandable information about how we use your personal data and with whom and for what purpose it is shared. You also have the right to have your information corrected, to restrict or block further use of your information and to request the deletion or removal of your information that we hold.


Your right to be informed, to erasure, to rectification, to withdraw consent and to data portability can be submitted to the contact person that is listed under 12.


Should you believe that the processing of your personal data by Refurbed Marketplace GmbH constitutes a statutory violation or that your data protection rights are otherwise being violated, you can direct your complaint to the appropriate regulatory body. In Austria, this is the Datenschutzbehörde (DSB).

12. Contact person

In case you have questions regarding your data or would like to exercise your right of information, please direct your inquiry to:

Peter Windischhofer
+43 1 800 700 12 10

13. Changes to our privacy policy

We may update this privacy policy from time to time to adequately reflect technical or regulatory changes or to include new products and services. In case this happens, we will publish the updated version on our website. We recommend that you revisit this privacy policy regularly.

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